David Hathaway
Preaching the Power of Faith in Jesus Christ. We‘ve got to be changed. Transformed, by the Fire and the Power of the Holy Spirit! God has raised YOU up to heal the sick, work miracles and preach the Gospel - and He sent the Holy Spirit to do this through you! Through these podcasts I want to pass on to you what I‘ve seen and learnt through more than 70 years in ministry! Updated every Monday and Friday.
Monday Feb 06, 2017
Mustard Seed Faith (with Vinesong)
Monday Feb 06, 2017
Monday Feb 06, 2017
In Matthew 17, when Jesus - with Peter, James and John - came down from the Transfiguration, He found the other disciples at the bottom, unable to heal the boy possessed by an evil spirit. Jesus said two things: firstly, that this kind only comes out by prayer and fasting; then secondly, He rebuled His disciples' lack of faith, saying that if they had faith as small as a grain of mustard seed they could command this mountain to move. I challenge you to begin to act in the power and authority of your faith.
'I worship You' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Name above all names (with Vinesong)
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Monday Jan 30, 2017
God the Father, put in the Name of Jesus, all power, all authority. There is only one name under heaven by which men can be saved, healed and delivered, the Name of Jesus! I've not had an easy life: in 1964 I had throat cancer, and in 2003, lung cancer; who did I call on to deliver me: no, I didn't call a healing evangelist or a pastor, I called on the Name of Jesus, and He healed me. Our deliverance is in the Name of Jesus; it isn't the sound of the Name, but it is the authority which is in His Name that saves and heals.
'Behold the Lamb of God' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Jan 23, 2017
A miracle happened (with Vinesong)
Monday Jan 23, 2017
Monday Jan 23, 2017
Physical healing is an integral part of the atonement. It has been bought for us, together with our salvation, through Christ's suffering and death. Isaiah 53 states clearly that 'He was wounded for our transgressions... and with His stripes we are healed.' As Christians, we believe that our sin was taken away and the penalty was paid by Christ's suffering and death. We need to apply the same level of faith to our deliverance from sickness as we do to our deliverance from sin.
'Oh what a miracle' & 'Our God Reigns' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Jan 16, 2017
The blind will see (with Vinesong)
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Monday Jan 16, 2017
In 1994 as I ministered for three months in Siberia, a lady pleaded with me to pray with a sick relative in the hospital. There was one man who told me that his back was broken, so I laid my hands on him, immediately all the pain left, he straightened himself and got up and ran off to make a cup of tea for me. By now the news of what God was doing was spreading, and another man who was almost blind came from a different room. As I laid my hands on his eyes, they opened and he could see. Someone brought a Bible which was by the side of one of the beds and he read it excitedly, shouting in his enthusiasm for all to hear, "I can see, look I can read!"
'Isaiah 35' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Jan 09, 2017
God works miracles today! (with Vinesong)
Monday Jan 09, 2017
Monday Jan 09, 2017
God will use those troubles, those tribulations, those difficulties, those everyday problems that you have in your life to speak to you. When I think of the number of troubles I have had - being in a communist prison for a year, having cancer twice - God uses every circumstance to bring glory to His Name; He uses the problems and the difficulties in our lives to show us that He works miracles today!
'All will be well' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Christ the Solid Rock (with Vinesong)
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
There is only one solid rock and His Name is Jesus! It is so important at the beginning of this year to resolve that you are going to trust God no matter what may come. None of us know what will happen in 2017, but we can decide ahead of time that our hope is built upon Jesus; He is our answer to every problem; He is our hope and deliverer; Christ is everything. 'On Christ the Solid Rock I stand; all other ground is sinking sand.'
Worship used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Are You Messiah, Christmas 2016 (with Vinesong)
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Monday Dec 19, 2016
John the Baptist was searching for the Messiah; he was always talking about this Man who would redeem the world. I believe that John was searching in the same way that many of you are searching. He wanted to know the truth. He wanted to know reality. John had heard about Jesus, so he sent His disciples to ask, 'Are You the Messiah, the One who will redeem the world?' John's doubt might have arisen from his own circumstances. Like John, I too have been in prison, left feeling abandoned and forsaken, but through it all, there was a hunger deep in my heart for Jesus, to know the reality of His power. I don't want empty religion or ceremony, I want Jesus, the Son of God, who can break every chain and set me free!
'O Come all Ye Faithful' & 'Christmas Story' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Dec 12, 2016
The Promised Messiah (with Vinesong)
Monday Dec 12, 2016
Monday Dec 12, 2016
They came to Jesus and asked the question, 'are You the One we've been searching for?' Jesus turned to them and said, 'Tell John what you have seen: the blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the Good News is proclaimed to the poor.' - That is your answer. Jesus didn't reply with words but with action. The miracles are the evidence that Jesus is the promised Messiah!
'Hark the Herald Angels Sing' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Only believe - It's not too late (with Vinesong)
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Only believe! If only we could hear the words of Jesus; in your life, in your problems today, if you will only believe, it is never too late. The wonderful thing about Jesus is that He won't turn anyone away, there is no rejection; whoever you are, if you will come to Jesus, He will not keep you waiting, He won't reject you; Jesus has time for you. People may tell you that your problem is too far gone, that it is too late for a miracle; Jairus was told in Mark 5.35, "Don't trouble Jesus anymore, your daughter is dead", but Jesus will say to you as He said to Jairus, "Don't be afraid, only believe'.
'O Holy Night' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Nov 28, 2016
God working through you (with Vinesong)
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Monday Nov 28, 2016
'The disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed His Word by the signs that accompanied it' (Mark 16.20). God has power, greater than anybody else; I've seen phenomenal miracles in my own life and ministry because of the power of God. The only evidence of the existence of God is through the miraculous: by faith we understand that the world was made, by faith we see miracles of healing. I cannot heal anyone, Jesus is the healer. When I am on crusade I dare to say, 'If what I am preaching is true, that Jesus is the Son of God, who died and rose again, then miracles will happen when you call upon Him.' And each time, the Lord confirms His Word by the signs that follow. I want to challenge you: when you know Him, when you REALLY know His character, as you would know a friend, then you will do exploits (Daniel 11.32).
'We worship and adore You' by Vinesong www.vinesong.com
Monday Nov 21, 2016
When we don't know how to pray (with Vinesong)
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Diagnosed with throat cancer in 1964, I faced a crisis in my life. I found myself constantly praying the same thing: "O God, I know You can heal, because of all the evidence in Your Word, as well as the other miracles which I have seen with my own eyes. But ... the problem is ... You can ... if You want to ... Is it Your will to heal me? All I am asking for is a positive yes or no." I picked up my Bible and read from Romans 8 verse 26, "We know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit himself maketh intercession for us ... according to the will of God." That was it! It came with certainty to me that God had said yes. I would be healed by a miracle.
'Hosanna in the Highest' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Nov 14, 2016
These signs shall follow you (with Vinesong)
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Jesus said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My Name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." After the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. (Mark 16:15-20)
'Signs and Wonders' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Nov 07, 2016
The Name of Jesus (with Vinesong)
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
At the mention of the Name of Jesus, the very presence of God will fill your life, setting you free. The very Name of Jesus brings hope: His Name means salvation and deliverance. His Name is filled with power and glory. Upon hearing His Name, demons have to flee, sickness will be healed. In your biggest crisis, in the time when you feel that your life is at an end, call upon His Name and He will answer you. If only you would believe in Jesus, you would see the biggest miracle of your life.
'In the stillness' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Prevail in Prayer (with Vinesong)
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Monday Oct 31, 2016
I want you to learn the importance of prevailing in prayer. When I was in that communist prison, and the guards were cursing me, saying that I would never get out alive, I began to pray. This is how I prayed: 'O God, 2000 years ago, Paul and Silas were in prison, they prayed, and You caused an earthquake which broke open the prison doors and released their chains. O God, if You could do it 2000 years ago, I want You to do it now and set me free!' You know the story. God worked a miracle and sent the British Prime Minister. I want you to realise that You can have the same power with God when you prevail in prayer. This is what happened with Jacob in the Bible, he wrestled with God all night, toward morning he said, 'I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me.' God responded, '...for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed' (Genesis 32:26-28).
'Sheltered in the Rock' by www.vinesong.com
Monday Oct 24, 2016
The Son of God (with Vinesong)
Monday Oct 24, 2016
Monday Oct 24, 2016
'Jesus asked, "Who do you say that I am?" Peter answered and said to Him, "You are the Christ."' (Mark 8.29.) Jesus is not a babe in His mother's arms, nor is He just a prophet or only a good man, as some suggest - He is a God of power, of action, of authority. He's a Man real men can admire and follow! In churches I see images of Jesus as a powerless dead man on a cross. I know Jesus died, but when they put Him in a grave, it couldn't hold Him, the power of the Holy Spirit came into His dead body, He broke open that grave, He came out, He's alive! What kind of man is this? The grave cannot hold Him - the wind and the sea are obedient to Him - no demon spirit in hell can stand against Him - no human can resist Him! That's the kind of God we have!
'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Speak with faith (with Vinesong)
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 17, 2016
I want to challenge you to come up higher, to a new level of faith! Mark 11 is so revolutionary, so powerful, it has changed my life! Jesus saw a fig tree full of leaves and He went to it hoping to find some figs (v13). But He found nothing but leaves. So what did Jesus do with the fig tree? He cursed it. The following day, Peter saw the dead tree; Jesus said to him, "Have faith in God! If you don't doubt in your heart but believe that what you say will happen, you shall have whatever you say!" Let me challenge you: if you speak in faith and authority according to the will of God, and don't doubt, you will be healed, your family will be blessed, your financial burden will move, even if those things are mountains in your life!
'Come up higher' by www.vinesong.com
The Ministry of David Hathaway
Preaching the Power of Faith in Jesus Christ across Russia, Ukraine, Israel and Europe: Supporting Holocaust Survivors and Displaced Persons.
"I have a vision in my soul - Eurovision - a vision of Europe won for Christ. This vision is God's vision, God's desire - to see His Power, His Glory in Europe, and I will not rest until God fulfils this vision that He has put within my soul." - David Hathaway
Celebrating 70 years in ministry since he pastored his first church in Dorking, Surrey, June 1950, and held his first tent evangelism that same summer, David Hathaway is a British Evangelist who ministers worldwide. He has devoted his life to preaching the Gospel with signs and wonders, across Russia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe and Israel.